Receptive tourism has a great importance for the district of Punta Hermosa, thanks to its beaches and waves that allow you to practice sports, fishing, diving and more. World surfing champions, such as Sofía Mulanovich, Analí Gómez and Gabriel Villarán have a very strong relationship with this district.
For this reason, in the month of January, the district municipality decided to close the pedestrian access to the island, a space located in the zone of the central littoral of the district. The reason of this decision was that there were people, especially visitors during the summer months, who entered and climbed to the highest part without being careful with the nests or spaces that were used by migratory birds. This represented a problem, as birds from the area were a main touristic attraction. It could also be dangerous for visitors. Thanks to this measure, it has been possible to appreciate that now, the island has an important number of birds, who make seasonal trips in the search for food, warm lands to breed or calmer areas for winter. Some species that visit the island are the zarcillo, the pelican, the guanay, the piquero and the gull.
The mayor of the district, Jorge Olaechea, maintained that his administration is placing efforts in making Punta Hermosa a place where the environment is respected. He added that for many years there were no pelicans on the island, which shows that the policy of their care has been paying off.
Fuente: Andina