Peru: ProInversion portfolio contains 55 projects worth US$9.211 billion

Peru’s State-run Private Investment Promotion Agency (ProInversion) has informed that its updated portfolio contains 55 projects, requiring a total investment of US$9.211 billion.

“(…) 36 of them are in the formulation process,” ProInversion Executive-Director Alberto Ñecco expressed.

In this sense, he indicated that the ministries should complete said process, so ProInversion is able to develop the structure (financial design and tender).

Likewise, the official explained 17 projects are related to sanitation (US$2.332 billion), 11 to energy and mines (US$966 million), and 8 to transport and communications (US$3.280 billion).

Furthermore, there are 7 projects related to health (US$961 million), 6 to education (US$320 million), 2 to tourism and culture (US$233 million), 2 to irrigation (US$619 million) and 2 to real estate (US$500 million).

“We consider it is necessary to strengthen the ministries’ formulation capabilities through PMO (Project Management Office),” he stated.

Ñecco went on to add the project portfolio is updated every month.

Remarks were made during his presentation at the forum Peru: Public Management and Infrastructure 2019.

Fuente: Andina

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