Peru is the largest producer of alpaca fiber in the world and its territory is home to more than 3.6 million of these South American camelids, the Agriculture and Irrigation Ministry (Minagri) underscored on Thursday while commemorating the Alpaca National Day. According to the IV National Agricultural Census (IV CENAGRO) in Peru, the alpaca population was estimated at 3,685,516 individuals, the largest number at the global level, and 82,459 farmers were engaged in their raising.
The regions where alpaca production is concentrated include Puno (39.6%), Cusco (14.7%), Arequipa (12.7%), Huancavelica (8.3%), Apurimac (5.9%), Ayacucho (2.8%), and Pasco (1.8%). Alpaca production is concentrated in areas located at over 3,800 meters above sea level.
The breeding of camelids constitutes one of the most important productive and economic activities in High-Andean areas, where between 70% and 80% of the annual family income depends on it, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Accordingly, alpaca livestock is a family’s farming activity, which is a priority for the State.The alpaca production is concentrated in regions at over 3,800 m.a.s.l., where people live off small-scale family farming and breeding camelids which —although subject to rough geographical conditions— provide their main means of support.
Fuente: Andina