New Biotechnological Tools Would Enhance Peruvian Competitiveness

The development of new biotechnological tools applied to Peruvian biodiversity would enhance the competitiveness of the country, said Gabriela Sobarzo, Deputy Director of Innovation and Technology Transfer of Concytec. During the forum “New biotechnological tools: State and perspectives for Peru”, organized by Concytec, the Ministry of Environment and INIA, Sobarzo said that these new biotechnologies, such as genetic editing and synthetic biology, continue to be a subject of study from the academic and scientific field. She also stated that “from Concytec we support and believe that biotechnology and the use of Peruvian biodiversity represent a comparative advantage in relation to other countries in Latin America ”.

In that sense, Juan Guerrero, Director of Genetic Resources and Biotechnology of the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA), considered that biotechnological tools – such as genetic editing – are great allies to be used in the assessment of biodiversity existing throughout the country. He acknowledged that in our country, so far, little progress has been made in the study and application of biotechnological tools, but he trusts that with the funds allocated by the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (Concytec), through Fondecyt, for research and training, “the human resource will be empowered and that universities and research centers will have better equipment”.

This event aimed to initiate discussions of an academic and scientific nature on the global, regional and national state of new biotechnologies. Risks of their implementation on natural resources, biodiversity and health were also discussed.

Fuente: Andina

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