The Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism (Promperú), in alliance with the international channel El Gourmet, announced that since August 5, the TV series Maestros del Cebiche will be presented. Each episode will show the varied interpretations of the cebiche through various tourist destinations where it will be also possible to meet the different food products from the visited regions. Cebiche Masters will reach millions of viewers in Latin America and the United States.
It is important to point out that the series is conducted by the travel and gastronomic influencer Luciano Mazzetti, who will go to meet a local chef and learn the local preparation of the cebiche. Pedro Solari and Javier Wong, two well-known Peruvian chefs, will participate in the program. They will tell us their stories and experiences around this famous dish. In addition, they will talk about the origin, meaning and types of our flag dish; as well as its evolution through generations.
Lima, Ica, Paracas, Puno, Tacna, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura, Tumbes, Arequipa and Marcona are the 11 national destinations that will be shown in the series of El Gourmet, a channel with more than 36 million subscribers in the region. El Gourmet is a cooking channel, pioneer in its genre, with more than 90% of original productions in its programming. It has been being the leading television platform of the great celebrities of the Latin American region gastronomy for almost two decades.
Fuente: Andina