With the purpose of achieving the insertion to formal economy of the country’s small-scale miners and artisanal miners, the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) transferred 844,276 soles (approximately $ 256,424) to the regional governments of Apurimac, Ayacucho, Piura, Ucayali and Ancash. This amount will be used exclusively to strengthen the process of integral mining formalization. Through ministerial resolutions published in the Official Gazette El Peruano, Minem reported that 329,749 soles will be given to the Apurimac region, 200,150 soles to Ayacucho, 167,542 soles to Ancash, 86,234 soles to Piura and 60,600 soles to Ucayali.
The purpose of these transfers is to improve the management of the Regional Energy and Mines Offices (DREM), which have the responsibility of training miners in the preparation of the Environmental Management Instrument for Formalization (Igafom), an indispensable requirement to boost the process of formalization. To date, a total of 6,965 miners have been formalized nationwide, being the regions of Puno, with 2,416; La Libertad, with 1,838; and Ayacucho, with 1,594, the ones who lead the process.
Mining formalization is one of the main objectives of Minem. They have the goal of incorporating more than 50,000 miners registered in the Integral Registry of Mining Formalization (Reinfo) into the formal sector. By 2019, the goal is to reach 10,000 formalized miners. For Minem, it is essential to promote the formalization of small-scale mining producers so that they can have access to technical assistance, sources of financing, legal and labor security, as well as improving environmental care.
Fuente: Andina https://andina.pe/agencia/noticia-gobierno-transfiere-s-844276-a-regiones-para-impulsar-formalizacion-minera-757326.aspx