Peru remains second largest producer of copper, silver and zinc worldwide

Peru remained the second largest producer of copper, silver, and zinc in the world in 2018, Peru’s Energy and Mines Ministry has reported.

According to a ministerial press release, the Inca country was the third producer of lead in 2018, stood fourth in the production of tin and molybdenum, and sixth in output of gold.

In addition, Peru ranked second in production of copper at 2.44 million fine metric tons, which accounts for 11.8% of the world’s total.

On the other hand, the Andean nation produced 1.47 million fine metric tons of zinc, making up 11.6% of the total production worldwide.

As for silver, the country had a production of 4,163 fine metric tons, placing it second in the globe and representing 15.5% of the world production.

It must be noted Peru has the largest silver reserves in the world, amounting to 110,000 fine metric tons, which accounts for 19.6% of the total.

The country’s lead production totaled 289,195 fine metric tons, ranking third in the world.

Additionally, Peru was the world’s sixth-largest producer of gold with 142.6 fine metric tons produced in 2018, making up 4.4% of the global production.

Peru maintained its position as the country with the third-largest reserves of copper, zinc and molybdenum, and climbed two spots to fifth place in the case of gold.


Fuente: Andina

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