Peru: Over 1.11 million tourists visited Machu Picchu so far this year

The Inca citadel of Machu Picchu —Peru’s main archaeological attraction— has welcomed more than 1.11 million domestic and foreign tourists so far this year, Cusco’s Regional Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Dircetur) informed Thursday.

According to Dircetur Head Rosendo Baca, around 300,000 visitors arrived at this Peruvian destination last June.

As is known, access to this historic sanctuary is through the Ollantaytambo-Machu Picchu Town railroad, the alternative Santa Maria-Santa Teresa-Machu Picchu route, and the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, which starts at Pisacucho.

In statements to Andina news agency, Baca pointed out Machu Picchu entered its peak season last June, which will continue over the following months thru October.

It must be noted nearly 6,000 people visit said archaeological park —on a daily basis— during those dates.

Likewise, the official remarked this is a historic figure if compared to those of previous years.

On the other hand, he informed the Culture Ministry —along with the National Service of Natural Protected Areas (Sernanp) and Machu Picchu Town Municipality— currently carry out preservation and maintenance works in the Inca citadel.

“There is a whole agenda addressing topics related to solid waste, safety, transportation, guide services, among others,” he concluded.


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