Implementation of the Export Productive Route Program

The Government is determined to promote the internationalization of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and it will implement the Export Productive Route program. Although in a first stage, that will last 33 months, only the regions of Piura and Junín will be considered, the idea is to extend it to the whole country so that more companies have the opportunity to access their benefits. “In this phase they will concentrate on agricultural products with export potential”, said the head of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), Édgar Vásquez.

In the case of Piura, 96% of agro-export activities are related to MSMEs, while in Junin it reaches 99%. Diego Llosa, general director of foreign trade development policies of Mincetur, explained that in the case of Piura, the generation of the exportable supply of bananas, mango, grapes and avocado will be promoted. Other varieties such as aguaymanto, lucuma, lemon, coffee and cocoa also stand out. In the case of Junín, coffee and ginger will be promoted. It also highlights the potential of macca, quinoa, pineapple, cocoa and native potatoes, among the most important.

Llosa explained that the regions of Piura and Junín were selected for the pilot because, among other factors, they have decentralized offices of Promperú, as well as the presence of offices of other partners allied with this initiative, such as the Ministry of Production (Produce), the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (Minagri). “These regions have an agricultural export basket with great potential for transformation and generation of added value”, he said.

Fuente: Andina

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