Central Bank: Peru’s 2018 growth figures may be revised upwards

Central Reserve Bank (BCR) Governor Julio Velarde said Peru’s 2018 economic growth figures could be revised upwards due to the favorable evolution.

“We are going to publish the Inflation Report next September, and GDP has taken an upward turn,” he said.

Within this framework, Velarde remarked Peruvian economy expanded 4.83% in the first five months of the year.

“Our current Peru’s GDP growth projection for this year is 4%,” he recalled.

Peruvian economy grew 6.43% last May —above market expectations— marking 106 months of sustained growth, according to figures published Sunday by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI).

As stated by INEI’s National Production Technical Report, GDP expanded 4.83% in January-May and 3.55% in the last 12-month period (June 2017-May 2018).

This result is above expectations of analysts and the Central Reserve Bank (BCR), which had estimated a 6% increase for May.


Fuente: Andina.pe

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