A Decade Has Passed Since Caral’s Declaration as Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity

A decade has already passed since the Sacred City of Caral was recognized as a Cultural Heritage of Humanity. “We suffered so much to achieve it”, recalls Ruth Shady, who directs the project dedicated to this archaeological site.

In the convention on cultural and natural heritage of Unesco in 2009, held in Paris, the motion to include this architectural complex on the prestigious list was approved unanimously. For the researcher, the importance of Caral goes beyond the beauty of its artistic manifestations. She told the Andean News Agency that what is important is to highlight how they managed to adapt to the environment. She noted, for example, that the urban centers of this civilization were planned not to be affected by natural phenomena, such as El Niño. She also stressed that it was a culture of peace, since none of their cities show the existence of walls.

Shady points out that the civilization of Caral, based on the data that had been collected, had its early development thanks to the fact that its economy was complemented by agriculture and fishing. “Thanks to the anchovy, there was no anemia and they had an adequate development”, she said.

Fuente: Andina https://andina.pe/agencia/noticia-se-cumple-una-decada-de-declaracion-patrimonio-cultural-de-humanidad-para-caral-756809.aspx

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